Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord produced a FAQ document designed to provide information and answer questions regarding the School Transportation. You can print the document here.
If you would like a printed copy, please contact us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 780 468-6440/1 800 248-6886.
Who is eligible for school bus transportation?
School bus transportation is provided to students who live within the attendance area of the school in which they are registered, and within about 50 km of the school. Students living within the walking boundaries established for each school do not have access to school transportation. Maps of the attendance areas can be found on the Board’s Website in the « Transportation/Bus zones» section.
How will I be notified of any delay or cancellation of bus service?
An automated phone message is sent by the transportation personnel when we are notified of a delay of more than 10 minutes or of a bus cancellation. It is therefore very important to inform the school of any changes to your contact information. Check your call display as it may display either one or both of the following callers: Transport CSCN or 844-478-2605. If you miss a call from the system, you can call the number displayed to hear the message again.
The Transportation department utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages to your mobile phone. Messages may include bus delays and safety alerts.
Please follow the instructions by clicking this link (page 2).The bus is late, what should I do?
If the bus is late by 10 minutes or more, and you have not received an automated phone message, you can:
- verify our Website in the « Transportation/Late bus and cancellation » section;
- verify our X (anciennement Twitter) account to view any delays and cancellations that have been posted;
- verify our online service
- call the bus company to notify them that the bus is late (the name and phone number of the company are on the bus schedule and on the Board’s Website). École Boréal and école La Prairie students can also visit the Website to check if a delay has been posted by the bus company.
Please do not wait more than 15 to 20 minutes to contact the bus company to report a problem.
What should I do if the bus is cancelled for the day?
If the bus is cancelled for the day, parents are responsible for transporting their children to school in the morning and back home in the afternoon.
Can I track my child’s bus?
Using your Android or iOS cell phone, please install the application for parents ez Parent. When the route is running, you will receive the notifications (bus is approaching the bus stop; arrival of the bus at the stop etc.).
How do I notify the transportation service if I will be moving, changing daycare providers or phone number?
Transportation Change Request Form is available via our online service, click on the “Parent” / “Online forms and applications” sections. You must complete the form and click Submit. The transportation personnel will make the requested changes and the school will be notified.
How long does it take to have a change implemented?
A change that requires the addition of a bus stop may take up to three weeks. A temporary stop can sometimes be assigned within a week when there is already an existing stop in your neighbourhood. You will receive a new bus schedule from the school confirming that your bus stop has changed the week before it takes effect. Please note that no new stop will be added before the third week of September.
If I leave for a few days and have to make temporary arrangements for school transportation for my child, who should I contact?
Communicate directly with the transportation service at 780-468-6440 / 1-800-248-6886 at least one week prior to your departure to discuss available options. An existing stop may sometimes be assigned for the duration of your absence. A written authorization will be issued by the transportation personnel for your child to give to the bus driver thereby allowing your child to ride the bus while you are away.
Does the school bus pick up students at their house?
No. Students must go to a designated pick-up area/bus stop.
What are the typical distances to walk to the bus stop?
Kindergarten, grade 1 and 2 – generally, within 300 metres of the point on a municipal road closest to their residence
Grades 3 to 6 – generally, within 500 metres of the point on a municipal road closest to their residence
Grades 7 to 12 – generally, within 700 metres of the point on a municipal road closest to their residence.
I have a child in grade 2 and one in grade 8 who take the same bus. What will the distance to their bus stop be?
Usually the distance takes into consideration the age of the youngest child, but isn’t limited to his/her maximum distance.
Will my children take the same bus if they are not in the same grade or same school?
If they attend different schools, it’s possible that transportation be provided by different buses arriving at different times.
Can buses enter parking lots, cul-de-sacs or private roads to pick up students?
No. Buses can only travel on municipal roads. For safety reasons, no school bus can enter a cul-de-sac, courtyard or private land, private residential
parking or shopping centre parking.
How is the location of bus stops determined?
We establish the bus stops according to the number of students in a given territory, their age and route optimization. Wherever possible, students are grouped at common stops to minimize travel time for all students.
Can I request a change directly to the bus driver?
No. The transportation service decides on the location of stops and designs the routes according to the Board’s policies and procedures. The bus drivers are required to respect the route, stops and schedule established by the Board.
Whom do I notify if my child is not taking the bus that day?
The bus driver will make all stops along the way, even if a student is absent. Therefore, it is not necessary to notify the bus company unless you live in a rural area. You must inform your child’s teacher before 2 PM the same day, if your child is not taking the bus in the afternoon. If you want to cancel transportation service for the year, we ask that you submit the Transportation change request to the transportation service through your BusPlanner Parent Portal. This allows the transportation service to keep the routes as efficient as possible for the remaining students on the bus.
My child is in daycare, is transportation provided to the daycare?
Yes, provided that the centre is located in the attendance area of the school your child attends.
Will the bus pick up my child at the front door of the daycare centre?
Generally, yes, unless the centre is located in a cul-de-sac, complex or mall parking, or on a private road. In such cases, the stop will be located on the municipal road closest to the centre. A daycare provider must go to the stop with the student in the morning and greet the child at the stop in the afternoon. Parents should discuss these arrangements with the
transportation service before enrolling their child in a daycare facility.I need to change child care provider, can transportation arrangements be changed?
Yes, but you should expect a delay of 1 to 3 weeks, (1 week if there is an existing stop for that daycare, 3 weeks to add a new stop).
In the morning, my child has to get to his/her bus stop. Who is responsible for his/her safety on the way to the stop?
Parents are fully responsible for the safety and behavior of their child until he/she gets on the bus and after he/she gets off in the afternoon.
Will my child be dropped off at his/her stop without an adult present?
Yes, unless your child is in kindergarten. A kindergarten student must be met by an adult on his descent from the bus or be accompanied by an older and responsible sibling, otherwise the child will remain on the bus and will be taken back to his/her school. Parents will then have to pick him/her up at the school.
What should I do if I cannot get to the stop in time to meet my child who is not in kindergarten?
Have a "Plan B". Discuss with a neighbour or friend if he can get to the bus stop to meet your child when necessary. Teach your child what to do if you are not present (for example, go to a chosen neighbour’s house or put a house key in the school back pack).
What are the bus driver’s responsibilities?
The driver must ensure that the red bus number is easily seen; that he follows the route according to schedule and that the students are transported safely. The driver must complete and submit to the school principal an incident report if a student has not complied with the code of conduct and safety regulations.
What are the code of conduct and safety regulations?
- arrive at the bus stop five minutes before scheduled arrival time, properly dressed for the weather
- remain at a safe distance from the bus until it is stopped and the door is opened (outside the danger zone)
- collaborate with the driver at all times and help keep the bus clean
- remain seated while the bus is in motion and make as little noise as possible (do not shout)
- do not put your arm, leg or head outside a window
- do not throw objects or bring large items on the bus
- respect others (do not push or hit) and their property, and do not use vulgar language
- do not eat or drink on the bus
- no vandalism will be tolerated (the parent is financially responsible for vandalism caused by their child)
- use only the bus to which the student is assigned
The parent is responsible for ensuring that their child knows and respects the rules.
Can a student lose the privilege of riding the bus?
Yes, a student may get suspended from bus service for 1 to 5 days if he/she doesn’t comply with safety regulations. The parent is responsible for transporting their child to and from school during the suspension.
What should I do if another student’s behavior on the bus is deemed unacceptable and is bothering my child?
Students should report discipline problems and bullying to the school principal who will take steps to stop such misconduct.
I have concerns about the bus service. What should I do?
You should contact the transportation service by reporting an incident on the Web site (, or if you do not have access to a computer, by phone.
Can I board the bus to talk to the bus driver?
No, parents are not allowed to board the bus at any time. You can talk to the driver just outside the door, briefly, so as not to delay the route.
Are there any cameras on the bus?
A bus may be equipped with an audio-visual camera surveillance system that records passengers, if necessary.
Do the buses use flashing red lights when they pick up and drop off children?
In Alberta, municipalities decide whether they permit the use of flashing red lights on their municipal roads or not. Every family should review the specific regulations pertaining to their situation, which are explained in the document "School bus safety guidelines, crossing the street" which is included with this document.
What is the danger zone?
The danger zone is the three metre area around a bus. If the child can touch the bus, it means the child is in the danger zone and the driver cannot see the child. A good tip to give to children: to exit the danger zone, take five big steps away from the bus.
Are there resources available to parents on school bus safety?
Yes, there is a video available on our Website (
Can my child bring sports equipment on board the bus?
No. It is strictly forbidden to bring skis, ski poles, hockey bags, skateboards or any other objects on the bus that could cause injury to students in case of an accident.
It is allowed to bring ice skates to school if they are properly secured and closed in a ice skate bag.My child wants to go to a friend’s house after school. Can my child get on the bus with a friend?
No student is allowed to take a bus other than the bus assigned to the student.
What is the purpose of the bracelets?
This tool helps in the task of managing the students who share buses in the morning and afternoon. Students from kindergarten to grade 6, from schools Sainte-Jeanne-d‘Arc, Gabrielle-Roy, Notre-Dame et Jean-Claude-Mahé, are required to wear the bracelets starting from their first day of classes. These bracelets are distributed by school. Please find more details here.
What is the travel time on school buses?
- Whenever possible, travel time will not exceed 60 minutes one way.
What elements are considered when planning routes?
- number of students
- age of students
- size of the area
- safety of bus stop locations
- length of route
- school schedules
- number of buses available
How do I register my child for bus transportation?
When you complete the registration form, you must indicate that you request transportation services in the section reserved for this purpose.
How will I be notified of the hours and the pick-up location?
A bus schedule indicating the route number, stop location, time of departure and arrival, as well as contact information for the bus company, will be available on the BusPlanner parent portal approximately two weeks prior to the first day of school. During the year, when changes to pick-up or drop-off times are required, you will be advised by an automated messaging system « School Messenger » to check your child’s new bus schedule by connecting to the online service BusPlanner portal on our Website in the « Transportation/BusPlanner » section.