Canada 150 Skating Fund


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Canada 150 Skating Fund

The Canada 150 Skating Fund will provide 200 microgrants of $1,000 each to help cover costs for skating day activities in 200 communities across Canada.

These microgrants will be awarded on a first come, first served basis while making sure the grants are spread widely and fairly across the country.

What makes your event eligible to be considered for a microgrant? Your Canada 150 Skating Day event must:

  • take place on Sunday, December 10, 2017;
  • be held in an indoor skating rink;
  • last a minimum of 2 hours;
  • be FREE and open to the general public.

Canada150SkatingThese microgrants can be used for anything that makes skating day activities open, accessible and fun for all members of your community. This includes things like equipment rental, promotion and publicity, entertainment, materials and supplies (i.e. decorations, balloons), food (i.e. cake, hot chocolate), and even professional fees to help coordinate and plan your event.

Interested in applying? You’d better start planning! Book your ice time and be ready to submit an application when the form goes live on September 26!